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Bentleys Annual Halloween Costume Party 2023!

Our annual Halloween Costume Parties have been our most popular party since we started them in 2008! Each year the costumes continue to be more creative, and when we think they can't possibly get any better, they do!

Even this year with the predicted rain forecast, it didn't stop us from having fun!

We were prepared with canopies set up everywhere, two bands, one inside and one under the tent, a haunted house, a twelve foot grim reaper, delicous food and lots of laughter.

We set up a special area for photos and judging with professional photographer Bret Labelle.

Special thanks to Jonas with Baxter Brewing Company for judging. Baxter Brewery is where Bentley's Beer is brewed!!

By 10 pm, we announced the first and second place winners for the following categories: Scary Gory Ugly

- First Place: Jeeper Creeper Guy, Second Place: The Shining Girls Funny Crazy Silly - First Place: Hooters Guys, Second Place: Sex Positions Sexy Hunk Erotic - First Place: Cat Girl, Second Place: Royal Vampire Couple Creative, Original, Imaginative - First Place: Alien Elvises, Second Place: Robots Couple or Group - First Place: Crown Royal Couple, Second Place: Wrestlers WTF Overall Judge's Choice! - 50/50 Person $100 cash for first place winners of each category & $50 cash for second place winners. The WTF overall judge's decision $250 We decided for our 2024 party to add to the list of categories since there are so many costumes that deserve awards!!

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