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Memorial Weekend

Weather was perfect for Memorial Weekend 2023! Friday night we were honored to have Whey Jennings, the grandson of the legendary musician Waylon Jennings, perform with his band on our outside stage! Other awesome bands performed - Holly Heist, Dock 10, Rock In On, American Ride and Cold Train, a tribute to great American Southern Rock. Vendors Simply Leather, The Chameleon, Loud Proud American and Wicked Paintworks set up in the front parking lot and bikers were countless!

On Saturday, we hosted our first "Bad Ass" Motor Bike Show and over 25 special motor bikes were on display.

Some were especially built just for this show!

Special thanks to PBR for their continued sponsorship and Brian Charpentier! Spectators voted on their favorite motorbikes and the following guests were awarded with specially designed PBR Can Trophies!

1st Place - Derek Zedon from Manchester, NH - "Rat Bastard Hog Hauler"

2nd Place - J.D. Bradbury from Westbrook, ME - Colman 200 3rd place - Paul Hoffman from Preston, CT - Custom-made 3 Wheel with Wood Back Guests

Jason Willey and Sarah Wilson won a set of PBR Cornhole Boards

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